Saturday, February 18, 2012

28 Weeks!! Eek!

Hello third trimester! I was curious when the third trimester actually started, so I Googled it and here is what I found:

"The third trimester begins in week 28 and ends with labor and delivery".

I think I stopped breathing for a second there. That whole ends with labor and delivery part put a lot in perspective - like how terrified I am of the whole process. I have admitted many times that I am a worrier, especially when it comes to anything medical or health related. I have NEVER been a patient in the hospital in my entire life...until 3 months from now. I can feel (and usually see) how much bigger and stronger Harbor is getting every week and all I can think about now is that she's coming out one way or another. All I can picture is that scene from Twilight: Breaking Dawn. Maybe I should have skipped that movie until after this little pumpkin gets here...

Long story short, I don't want to hear a single birth story from anyone unless it goes a little something like this:

"Oh it was the most wonderful experience of my life. I was so comfortable. It was all clouds and glitter and unicorns and then I woke up with a beautiful, healthy baby in my arms".

In fact, I'm officially making this my birth plan. (Do people actually do these? Do I need to do one? Can this one please apply?)

For now (when I'm not hyperventilating about actually having this baby) I'm enjoying my bump and feeling baby girl turn some somersaults every day!

How far along? 28 Weeks
Total weight gain: still just 6 lbs. I'll be curious to see if I balloon up in the last few months here.
Maternity clothes? yep. I've been bitten by the shopping bug again too, so I see a trip to the Gap outlet in my future.
Stretch marks? zilch! (Hooray!)
Sleep: ugh, awful. Such weird dreams and waking up every few hours
Best moment this week: the nursery is sort of starting to look like a nursery! An empty one, but still more like a nursery than a guest bedroom, which is what it was
Miss Anything? not worrying/feeling guilty about what I eat. I just want a dang turkey sandwich without the fear of listeria!
Movement: much more this week. I got a foot stuck under my ribs the other night (not as fun or cute as it sounds). She's also doing this thing where she'll stretch out, hold it for a few seconds, and release
Food cravings: sugar, sugar, sugar. And orange juice.
Anything making you queasy or sick: pickles
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: some sciatic nerve pain occasionally, and round ligament pain as she's getting bigger
Belly Button in or out? half flat frowny face still
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy with brief moody moments. I have cried at least 7 times this week about tiny little nothings.
Looking forward to: getting the crib this week!!

Here's my 28 week pic (I know I missed 27. Gimme a break, I'm pregnant)

Please don't judge the messy hair. This was about 11:30 pm after a full day of work and a nap.

Also, here is a sneak peek of the crib!! I can't wait to show nursery progress as it comes together!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

26 Weeks and Feb. Check-Up

Bright and early yesterday morning, Josh and I set out for our February doctor's appointment, and there was a lot on the agenda! We started off in the lab so I could guzzle some delish flat orange glucose concoction that tasted like orange skittles had been soaked in flat sprite for an undetermined amount of time, then went and met with our doctor, then went BACK to the lab to have blood drawn, then went up to ultrasound for round number two of baby photo shoot.

Long story short, everything went well. No diabetes for this Momma and Harbor decided to cooperate enough to get a good pic of her little noggin' (which, we were told, is already covered in HAIR! She must get that from her daddy because I was b-a-l-d) Baby girl also had the hiccups (adorable) and is still hanging out upside down with her knees pulled up to her chest. Looks like she's going to be a little cuddle bug!

Every day I am still astonished at how easy this pregnancy has been so far. I keep feeling like there's no way that the whole thing can go off without a hitch and I'm waiting for that looming, gigantic bump in the road. It seems like you're always hearing about these tragic stories that families go through and I keep wondering why we have been so blessed. It could have just as easily been Josh and I going through any number of struggles that come along with deciding to start a family. I thank God every night for blessing us with this little girl and trusting us to take care of her. I know it's borrowing trouble for me to assume that something will go wrong, but I can't help but worry. I think I find something new to worry about each day, but I remind myself over and over again how truly lucky we are to have God leading us down this path. I know that whatever happens, it's all to bring us closer to God, and I'm okay with whatever that is.

Here's the 26 week breakdown:
How far along? 26 Weeks
Baby is the size of a: English hothouse cucumber (Hahahaha, where do they get this stuff?)
Total weight gain: 6 lbs. gained as of the official weigh in yesterday
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants, except I can still squeeze into my yoga pants and pjs, which are my favorite things to wear. Pre-pregnancy shirts are starting to get too short....
Stretch marks? zero still so far
Sleep: starting to get more restless - waking up a lot at night
Best moment this week: Seeing baby girl again, and probably for the last time until we meet her face to face!
Miss Anything? Coke Zero. I've been pretty good about avoiding caffeine, even though some is technically okay, I'm just overly cautious. I plan to guzzle an entire case of Coke Zero in the 24 hours that follow delivery.
Movement: still inconsistent, but getting much stronger. We can see my belly jump around sometimes in the evenings.
Food cravings: still oranges, sour stuff, and sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: off brand Clorox wipes were almost the end of me a couple days ago
Gender: Girl...still :)
Symptoms: achy back - someone at work pointed out that I had the pregnancy waddle going on the other day
Belly Button in or out? sort of half in half out if that's possible. It looks like a sad face
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy most of the time but I got super grumpy last night because I didn't want what I had fixed for dinner, haha
Looking forward to: baby shower on Sunday!

*I know picture free posts are pretty boring, but I still need to take one for this week, so I promise I will update later with that one and a new ultra sound pic (that Josh swiped and is carrying with him, I'm pretty sure - so cute)*