Right before Christmas, Josh and I set out on baby registry adventure number 1 to Babies R Us. We are fortunate enough that there is an incredibly huge and well stocked store right down the road from us. At this point in time, we still didn't know the sex of Baby H, but we had to take advantage of the time off Josh had between semesters since we figured this would be a lengthy process and said we would just register for the big items we could re-use later with potential baby number 2. So we show up at Babies R Us around 8:30. Nobody is surprised, I'm sure, to hear that we were trying to get this done within about an hour of the store closing. It's just how we roll. I'm feeling excellent at this point. My belly is full of Chick-fil-a, I have a pre-researched checklist in hand, and I'm ready to start shopping. Josh, I think, was more confused than anything, but he did get to use the scanner gun (and fix it's weird problems) so he wasn't totally bored. Anyways, we fill out all of our registry paperwork we set out with our scanner. After going reeeeaaallllyyyy slowly down the first few aisles, reading all the boxes and labels and scanning one or two things, we hit our stride. But the next thing I knew, it felt like we were scanning every item humanly possible. I will be the first to say that I knew babies needed a lot of stuff, but holy cow. There is an unbelievable amount of choices out there for Every.Tiny.Thing.
burp clothes
pumps (terrifying, I might add)
high chairs
play yards
I repeat, HOLY COW
Can we say overwhelming??? Thankfully, I was able to edit said registry online later and cut out some of the stuff I eventually decided was completely unnecessary at this point in time...and then add it again later (how could I live without a teething ice pack?)....and then delete it again (we can just use frozen fruit in the little snacker bags! Or can we?)
Coupled with the registry we did later at Target - which includes lots of pink! - for the fam that does not have access to a Babies R Us, I feel like our house will overflow with baby items before the little butter bean gets here. That excites and scares me all at the same time. I've said before that May feels like forever away and I wish I could just fast forward, but I'm starting to think that we need to slow this adventure down a little. Feeling Harbor's little (and not so little) kicks and jabs remind me every day that she's growing bigger and stronger by the week and will be here before we know it! And there's so much left to do!
I mean, look at this belly! 24 weeks. That's 6 months, folks. Only 3 and some change to go!!

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