Better late than never, I say. Today officially marks day 1 of week 30. Only 10 weeks to go!! I can't believe that in 2.5 months we will be a family of 3. Here's how things are progressing.
How far along? 29 Weeks
Total weight gain: 6 lbs.
Total weight gain: 6 lbs.
Baby is the size of a: butternut squash (we are going by weight from here to the end) (15ish inches from head to heel)
Maternity clothes? same. In this week's pic I'm squished like a sausage into one of Josh's UK shirts because mine were all too short.
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: still very restless. I enjoy my afternoon naps better than overnight sleeping.
Best moment this week: setting up the crib! My parents (the future Birdie and Papaw--not sure that name's staying...) came to visit last weekend and helped us assemble it. Nursery is really coming along!
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: still very restless. I enjoy my afternoon naps better than overnight sleeping.
Best moment this week: setting up the crib! My parents (the future Birdie and Papaw--not sure that name's staying...) came to visit last weekend and helped us assemble it. Nursery is really coming along!
Miss Anything? sleeping. I used to be such a champ.
Movement: lots! Now I can tell not just when she kicks, but when she pushes up against something. We can feel something (either a knee, foot, or elbow) that jabs me pretty often.
Movement: lots! Now I can tell not just when she kicks, but when she pushes up against something. We can feel something (either a knee, foot, or elbow) that jabs me pretty often.
Food cravings: girl scout cookies, ha!
Anything making you queasy or sick: pickles
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope.
Anything making you queasy or sick: pickles
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: off and on back pain and a little swelling in my ankles and feet if I've been standing or walking a lot that day
Belly Button in or out? half flat frowny face
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: getting on some of the DIY projects I have planned for the nursery
Belly Button in or out? half flat frowny face
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: getting on some of the DIY projects I have planned for the nursery
Last night we went to the UK v. Georgia basketball game, which was the first time Josh and I had gone to see the Cats play. The only thing I can compare it to is Auburn football. Totally crazy and fun! Harbor has never been to something that loud before and she wasn't really sure what to do. If it was calm, she was moving around like normal, but when a huge cheer would go up, she'd jerk really fast and freeze in place. I can't imagine what her little face looked like!
Here's me in Rupp - and no I didn't steal a basketball under my shirt! :)

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