In general:
forgetting my keys/purse at work
putting things in the refrigerator that don't belong there (i.e. the remote, my cell phone)
misplacing everything that I touch
Here are the real gems...
The Car Incident:
One morning, when arriving at work I hop out of the car, grab my stuff, and head inside. Once I get to my classroom, I reach in my purse for my keys only to find that they are not there. So I stand there for a second, trying to figure out where I last had them, when it occurs to me that I may have dropped them in my car. I walk back out to my car (which turned into running towards my car) when I realized that I had never actually shut it off, but left it completely cranked sitting in the parking lot. Whoops. At least I found my keys!
The Pregnancy Miracle:
About a week or two ago, my alarm clock went off and I rolled over to turn it off. *crucial to the story is the fact that I have TERRIBLE eyesight. The last eye doctor I went to asked me how old I was because it is that bad* So normally, I have to squint really hard to read what time is on the clock so I know if I need to get up or if I can enjoy nine more minutes of snoozin'. This day, however, squinting made it much worse. Like I couldn't see at all when I squinted. So I just opened my eyes normally and realized that....wait for it....I COULD SEE! You have to understand, every morning of my life since about the 2nd grade I have not been able to see a thing until I had my glasses on, so this was a cause for celebration! I was giddy. Elated even. It was a pregnancy miracle! Somehow my hormones had completely cured my nearsightedness! I seriously considered waking up Josh to tell him about this amazing development, but I decided to take a look in the mirror first. Maybe my eyes would look different? Be a different color? I don't know what I expected. They were, in fact, a different color...just not a flattering one. They were red. Bright red. This is when my elation turned to crushing disappointment when I realized that someone had forgotten to take out their contacts the night before.
Harbor, hurry up and get here before your mama hurts herself.
A request from the readership: nursery pics!! The tiny little one on Facebook didn't do it justice. And I must say - I'm obsessed with chevron too!! Hannah's Bachelorette Party invitations were coral chevron and I recovered our dining room chairs in a more subtle blue/tan chevron. It is so cute!! We must be on the same pinterest wavelength :)
ReplyDeleteI know, I've got to get on the nursery pics! I went to take some better ones today and of course my camera battery was dead. I'll try again tomorrow. And I LOVE chevron! I would put it on everything if possible. Those invites sound super cute! Pinterest has definitely fueled my obsession!