Thursday, December 1, 2011

Announcing Baby Hillyer!

Okay, so we've technically already announced that we're expecting, but this is our official entry into the blog world. We are so thrilled about this little one being a part of our family we can hardly stand it! Over all, my first trimester was tolerable. I did have some pretty serious nausea that put me out of commission for a few days and was SO tired, but other than that it was smooth sailing. I'd say the strangest early pregnancy symptoms I had were extremely weird dreams, dizziness, and crazy food aversions (peanut butter = ICK).

Second trimester life has been wonderful (true to all the advice I heard). Much less tired, getting my appetite back, and just feeling more like myself in general. As of the last week, my belly has POPPED! Not a single pair of pants still fits. This got us pretty excited since it's been the first visible sign of the little creature growing inside me. We will find out if Baby H (as we have been calling him/her) is a he or she right before Christmas.

Every day we get more excited about adding a member to our growing family!

Baby H at 9 weeks. This seems so long ago!

1 comment:

  1. Excited you started a blog!! I will definitely be "following" you, but only in a family-friendly not stalkerish sort of way :) Hope we get to see y'all over Christmas!! We will be in Montgomery December 24 - 26. Love y'all!
