Saturday, April 14, 2012

36 Weeks, i.e. How Much Longer Do I Have to Be Pregnant?

I'm really not trying to be a complainer...I'm not. But holy cow. I think God designed the last month of pregnancy to be the most miserable because then you're willing to do whatever is necessary to get the kid out. I have officially reached that point. Again, I know I've had it so easy with very little morning sickness and a healthy baby the whole way through, but I'm so uncomfortable. While waddling around the grocery store tonight trying not to tinkle on myself and wincing from back pain, it dawned on me that all pregnant women should be issued a Rascal scooter during the third trimester along with a pass that excuses you from any physical or emotional work until after the baby is born. Just a thought.

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain: 17 lbs.
Baby is the size of: a crenshaw melon, which apparently is about 6 lbs. ( about 18 1/2 inches long)
Maternity clothes? I've forgotten what it was like to wear pants with a button and a zipper
Stretch marks? one renegade stretch mark has appeared right above my belly button, or what used to be my belly button...
Sleep: not terrible, just constantly aware of the discomfort
Best moment this week: nursery is DONE! I'll post about that soon.
Miss Anything?: Feeling like a normal human being maybe?
Movement: tushy wiggling, but she's been more mellow lately. There's no room to move!
Food cravings: gallons and gallons of water, strawberry banana V8 Fusion juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope, bring on the food!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: it may be wishful thinking, but I feel like she's dropped some in the last week or so. I've also had some pretty killer Braxton Hicks which has been a new development
Symptoms: bathroom queen, swollen feet and hands, back pain, joint pain in my fingers (didn't know that was even a thing until the other day), pretty much feeling geriatric
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? off - my finger is green from my fake
Happy or Moody most of the time: unfortunately moody most of this week but happy underneath it all
Looking forward to: touring the hospital and getting our preregistration done - one step closer to meeting Harbor girl!

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